Tuesday 16 June 2015

Kim Kardashian spells Giogio Armani Wrong and he replies in a tweet

You’d think Kim Kardashian would be an old hand at tweeting (what with her 567000 selfies) but the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star managed to spell one of her favourite designer's names wrong.

On Saturday, the newly pregnant reality star tweeted to complain about her favourite foundation being discontinued (when it actually wasn't.)

But that isn't even the best bit – Armani’s social media team replied and corrected Kim K's spelling.

Kim wrote: “Why did Georgio Armani discontinue my favorite foundation??? I'm on my last bottle & everyone I know uses this!!! Please make it again!”

Armani responded: “Dear Kim - let us know which one you need and we'll send it to you. And Mr. Armani's first name is Giorgio.

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