Wednesday 22 July 2015

Van Vicker Vents After Facebook Refused To Verify His Page

Ghanaian leading actor Van Vicker took to Instagram to express his anger over Facebook's refusal to authenticate his page which he says is necessary in order to distinguish it from the fake ones.

The actor said:

"Just last week I was told by FB to tender in my passport and or a  gov't issued ID inorder to start the process of getting my FB page van vicker-iam_vanvicker (45k likes) VERIFIED. I sent in my passport and FB replied that I will get an email from them. It's been more than a week now. I went back to to see if i could restart the process and I see THIS... we're not currently accepting varification requests in your region. So what HAPPENS NEXT FACEBOOK? People are getting scammed and this? it's sad as it is that FB can not decipher true accounts/pages no matter how many times you report them. Phew all this is pure crazy. What the heck! #TheVanVickerBrand"

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