Sunday, 26 July 2015

The One Thing Hairstylists Wish You’d Stop Doing

True to form, these pros are holding nothing back.

It’s easy to get into a routine with your hair—you wash it, you brush it, you dry it, you style it, maybe sometimes you throw it in a ponytail or whip up a braid. The problem with some of our little habits is that they make our hairstylists’ heads spin—because these are the things that are keeping us from having the lush, healthy, shiny hair we keep begging them for.
Ten of the country’s top celebrity hairstylists sound off on what you need to stop doing if you want prettier strands. Find out what you’re guilty of—and the effective tweaks to remedy your routine.

You're... Pulling on Split Ends 

“You wouldn’t believe how many women I see pulling on their split ends. Yes, you may momentarily get rid of it, but you’re actually shredding the hair, and creating a more uneven split end that’s harder to fix. Instead, snip it off with very sharp scissors. Then it’s gone forever. 

You're... Styling Wet Hair with Heat

“Women use heated styling tools when their hair is still wet, which literally fries the hair. In order to use heat without damage, the hair has to be completely dry. If you finish blow-drying and the hair feels cold, that’s a sign that there’s still moisture in it

You're... Brushing Wet Hair

“It’s not a good idea to brush wet hair with any old brush. A wide-tooth comb is a better bet

You're... Sleeping in a Ponytail

“Sleeping in a ponytail causes breakage right at the crown of the head, or wherever the elastic is placed. If you like your hair off your face, sleep in a loose braid off to the side, secured right at the end as loose as you can.” 

You're... Spraying Too Close to Your Head

“I constantly see my friends, family and clients mist aerosol products like dry shampoo and hairspray, but with the can two inches from their heads—and then wonder why they’re left with a big white patch or slick spray spot. Instead, give the can a good shake for better product distribution, then extend your spraying arm out all the way and spray away. 

You're... Still Using Regular Elastics

“Rubber bands snag the hair when you loop it around too many times, and tears it when you take it out. 

You're... Brushing from Roots to Ends

“My biggest pet peeve is when people start at the root when brushing or combing. You can literally hear the hair breaking. Instead, start at the ends and remove the tangles there first. Then work your way up towards the root. That way, you’re reducing split ends and frizzy broken bits.” 

You're... Cutting Your Hair to Make It Grow

“I have so many clients who believe that cutting their hair helps it it grow. For every few inches you’re trimming, you’re actually adding months to your growing time. Instead, try fewer washings, less heated styling and blowdrying, and more deep conditioning. Hair looks longer and fuller when it’s healthier and stronger.” 

You're... Using Clarifying Shampoos

“I think clarifying shampoos are actually damaging since they literally strip away all the good oils and make your scalp overproduce—essentially making your hair greasy all over again. 

You're... Towel-Drying Your Hair

“It drives me crazy when clients towel-dry their hair by messing it up in every direction, which just roughs-up the delicate cuticle. When the cuticles are closed, they reflect light and hair appears smooth and shiny. When they’re open, hair looks dry, dull and coarse. Instead, when you’re towel-drying, wring your hair out, moving downwards from root to ends.” 

You're... Using Too Much Dry Shampoo

“If you use dry shampoo or texturizing spray more than twice a week, you’re likely dehydrating your scalp, which can make the hair weaker and more prone to breakage.” 

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