Monday 29 June 2015

Paris Hilton screams in fear after being told plane is about to crash in evil prank

PARIS HILTON is used to appearing on television shows, but none quite like this.

Paris screams in terror after being told plane is about to crash
Egyptian prank series Ramez Wakel el-Gaw took things to a whole new level when they tricked 34-year-old Paris into thinking that she was on a failing aeroplane.

Despite the blonde star's usually confident attitude, she was reduced to a quivering wreck as she was told that the plane she was on was going to crash, with seemingly terrified passengers also screaming around her.

The rather disturbing footage shows Paris be persuaded to take a 15 minute ariel tour of Dubai, which is all well and good until disaster strikes.

A few minutes into the flight, the pilot begins to dive and shake the plane to make the star think that they're having real issues.

The petrifying prank sees the plane shoot up and down and even includes two passengers parachuting out of the aircraft while they're still pretty high up.

The socialite can be heard asking: "Is this normal?" as the plane appears to fall out of the sky, before parachuted passengers are then thrown out of the plane to "save them" - much to Paris' protest.

Eventually, after over five minutes of terror, the host tells Paris that the whole thing was just a joke.
"We love you," Galal gushes, to which Paris replies: "I'm going to kill you."

Despite understandably seeming terrified in the clip, it seems like Paris has now got over the shock.

After the video surfaced online, she took to Twitter to re-tweet several stories, to which many fans told her that she'd "handled the situation extremely well".

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