Monday 27 July 2015

Tips to prevent your hands from looking older

Don't neglect your hands.You spend tons of time (and money!) caring for the skin on your face, but the hands (and neck for that matter) are often looked over. 

Discoloration, dryness, and wrinkles can really age the look of your hands, but we've got a few proven methods you can implement to fend off the process.

Everyone wants to have beautiful soft looking hands, and not rough ones.So follow these simple steps and have younger looking hands in no time...
Buy or make some hand cream. Every morning and night apply hand cream to your hands and rub it in thoroughly This will keep your hands soft and smooth.

Wear gloves when doing washing up and handling with anything that can dry out your skin.

Keep your nails looking healthy. Look after your nails by not biting them and also by eating 2 portions of protein ad day will help your nails grow.
Something that may take a little more time is covering your hands in olive oil and take the time to rub the oil into your nails too as it will help them grow stronger. Next smooth on lots of rich hand lotion, this will create a barrier around the oil an encourage it to sink into your skin. Now soak your hands in warm water for around 10 minutes- you could maybe even do this in the bath- allowing your hands to rest in the water. After this gently rub your hands dry, then apply a few more drops of hand lotion, and be amazed at the results.

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