Saturday 22 August 2015

8 steps to taking the 'perfect' ones... in the changing room

Is your selfie game strong enough even for the changing room when you go shopping? Vogue has even more pointers for you...

Selfie is the in thing, thanks to Instagram. It's become a fad of some sort capturing images of yourself at every given time.
A common 'selfie' is one taken in changing rooms, of course no one picks up outfits without trying them on first- to check for perfect fit, tear, wear and more- it's a great way to try out new purchases while getting vain at it.

Some people argue that capturing a look shows a real reflection of the whole look as pictures don't lie.
Mirrors can feature slimming and lengthening angles, friends may just be the 'shopaholic' who want to snag up every look, sales persons may just want to get their sales on so you are left to judge all by yourself and your camera will not lie!

Vogue's Sarah Harris came up with these interesting pointers for nailing the perfect 'Changing Room Selfie', take a cue from the list below:
1. Wear basic but good underwear, nothing is more depressing that ill-fitting lingerie, especially magnified in bright lights
2. Don't breathe in, don't pout, don't pose. Do look natural
3. Don't use a flash, don't use filters
4. Stand up on tiptoes (if you don't have heels with you) and also bare foot, so you can see both height options. Likewise, try with hair up and hair down
5. Take shots from multiple angles: front, side and back
6. Take the picture in the privacy of your own fitting room, not in a mirror on the shop floor; not all sales assistants are so obliging, many won't appreciate snap-happy customers
7. Once snapped, revisit the picture - does it look as good as you remembered? (During sale time, it's easy to get caught up in the moment)
8. Optional: ping it to trusted friends for advice, or poll it on Instagram
Would you be using any of these tips? Do you have more pointers? By all means sound off below.
Source: Vogue

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