Thursday 15 October 2015

How to do pedicure yourself

Hey Lovelies

A salon medicure and pedicure is the ultimate treat but there are times when we are too tired or too broke to make that trip. The professional experience can be therapeutic but once you have the right instrument you can give yourself a really good Pedicure.

What you’ll need:

– Nail polish remover and cotton wool

– Sugar scrub to exfoliate

– Nail file

– Buffing block

– Cuticle oil

– Moisturizer

– Clean towel.

– Nail polish


1. Make sure your toes are polish free, you can achieve this by using a nail polish remover, next use clippers or a file to gently shape your desired length and shape, smooth the surface of your nails with a buffing block (it removes the stains from your nails).

2. Soak your feet in warm water for 5 minutes then exfoliate using a smoothing body scrub but if you don’t have this mix one tbs of sugar in baby oil gel and gently begin to scrub, then rinse and pat dry.

3. Rub oil on your cuticles to soften them, remove dirt from your nails with the dirt remover that comes in the Manipedi Bag then rinse and pat dry with a clean towel,

4, Next is to massage your feet with a moisturizer, don’t forget your cuticles and heels too.

once you are done with this steps then you can apply your nail polish make sure you apply the base-tone. Relax and lay on your bed or couch, once the nail polish is dry walk around with your socks to protect your feet from the floor.

What do you think about the pedicure steps, easy or not. Leave all comments in the comment box below.