Thursday 15 October 2015


Hey Awesome people,

How is your week going? hope its awesome and you slaying with your styles and brilliance. I got thinking today as I always do, and its about who we let into our matrimonial homes, with the advent of expensive weddings but short marriage life span, what are the no no for you? who would you let into your matrimonial home? What extent would you go to keep some certain people at bay? I know you are wondering why i am asking all this questions and why am making this kind of expressions, well let me let you in on the story.

So your badgal cousin who is very adventurous and wild calls you up to explain to you how she is stranded in your town and needs a place to stay for a while till she can bounce back, which means this while is not a particular period of time, it can take as long as months before she can bounce back, and you know deep down in your mind that you can’t trust this cousin of yours with your hot husband, with all the stories of her escapades you have heard about, would you still let her come stay with you till she bounces back or would you make an alternative for her as long as she is not in your house.

People lets hear from you would you let your badgal cousin who is stranded come stay with you for a while till she can get back on her feet?


  1. I wunt allow ha into my aws,i either give ha an excuse or an alternative

  2. I wunt allow ha into my aws,i either give ha an excuse or an alternative
